Payment Policy

Payout Rates: offers a competitive payout rate of $20 per 1000 views with a high CPM (Cost Per Mille) rate.

Eligibility for Payments:

Payment Methods:

Payment Schedule:

Payment Verification:

Referral Program:

Quality Assurance:

Cancellation of Payments:

Dispute Resolution:

In case of any payment disputes, users are encouraged to contact's support team for a thorough investigation and resolution.

Currency and Exchange Rates:

Payments are made in USD (United States Dollars). Users are responsible for any currency conversion fees or exchange rate differences.


Users are responsible for any applicable taxes on earnings from

Modifications to the Payment Policy: reserves the right to modify this policy with prior notice to users. Continued use of the service implies acceptance of any changes.

By using, users acknowledge and agree to comply with the terms outlined in this payment policy. This policy is subject to periodic review and updates.